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Lesson 1: What is good content and why does it work?

Step 1: Watch the video

Step 2: Complete the following exercise (use no more than 15 minutes)

Find a really good piece of content and write down:

A. Why it is good content?

B. What was the intended purpose of the content?
C. Who was the target audience for this specific piece of content?
D. What is the position, that the brand takes on, with this specific piece of content?

Step 3: Send the assignment in an email

Send us and email containing the piece of content or a link to the content along with your comments. Either in the same document or as separate files.

Send the assignment to and make sure to include the tag "#goodcontent" in the subject line.

Peter Svarre - - Nørrebrogade 110A,, 2200 København N, tlf: 40409492, mail:

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